*~Web Basics~*

OK PeePs...

I am going to spill my guts and tell ya what I know about web page making!!
First of all you need to get a web page editor. Do a search for HTML editors.
Basicly it does not matter what HTML {web page} Editor you use.
After ya get the editor, here comes the hard part!!

The hard part is figuring out the HTML language. There are Programs out there Like Netscapes Communicator Web Editor or Front Page that are really easy.....But I feel they are cheating!! I dont like them.. But That is only My preferance. if you want to go the easy way out and not learn a thing about HTML {Hyper Text Mark Up Language} Use those. If you use those there are drawbacks.. You cant customize them as well. One change on your part when ya get better at HTML and POOF.. whole page Fudged up. If you use those I cannot Help You all that much.

Now..Moving on...
HTML is a code that computers read in order to view the page. There is alot of work behind these web pages you have been browsing around on. My first sugestion is that you Learn how other people make there pages.
See how they tick so to speak. You can do that By Viewing the Source code of the page. You can view the source code simply by clicking on the Pull Down Menu on the top of your Browser that says View the Source. This will give you an idea about what makes up a page.

Step Number Three.. Save some pages!!! If you see a page you like SAVE IT!! By clicking File Pull down menue and Save.... Then after you do that Bring up that HTML file in your Web page Editor.. and it gives you an even better idea how to make a page. Use a page you like as a Guide to how you want to make a page. but remember.. Each page is Unique You do not want to copy & Post on the web anyone Elses Graphics or pages UNLESS you have there consent to do so. it is not Nice or Legal to steal someone elses work. BUT you can save as many pages as you wish to learn from!!!

Now this gives you some work to do for now!! DO what I have Listed above then come back to my page for the next step and tips on web page making.

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