[Aaddzz Counter]

~Last modified on Sun Nov 08 16:02:35 1998~

I am currantly member of the *u.B.a*

The United Benevolant Association.

This Group started out for fun, somthing to do to pass the time.

Now we are ever increasing our popularity and members!!

We are not about being bytches or snubbing PeePs that need our help. If you are in need of anything, all you have to do is get ahold of one of us and we will be glad to help you out. We all love Newbies {a new person to Prodigy or the Web} We all remember when we were new!! I remember the first time I ever tried to go to a web sight or tried to download something and I had no clue what a zip file was. {You say whats a zip file} Well Ask me =-)

If You believe in helping others achieve the sucess they deserve and are willing to go the extra mile YOU could be our newest Member!! If this sounds like something that you are interested in please E-Mail iZShenana@hotmail.com and request an application.

The Following are are members & titles;

SiN'NeR ... President

Sweepea/LuVGoDDeSS ... Vice President

LiL Vixen ... Secretary

Starlite ... Treasurer

ms. mcb ... Customer Relations

No Phear ... Our Knight




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The *u.B.a* Oath

As a member of the *u.B.a*... I shall use my inside powers and talents to help others in every possible way... Assisting those who reach out for help, you can count on me without a doubt. I promise to be loyal to, and to uphold the ideals and integrity of the *u.B.a*, and pledge loyalty to all my fellow sisters. I am committed to maintaining the complete privacy of our meetings, as well as any personal information I may learn about fellow *uBa* members, or those who may come to us for assistance.

The *u.B.a* Laws

These laws were made up by the *uBa*, for the *uBa*. We expect every *u.B.a* member to follow these rules.

1. Never give out personal info about any *uBa* member.

2. Always encourage and support fellow *uBa* members.

3. Always be honest and loyal to the group.

4. Always try to conduct your self with marturity and compassion for others.

5. Never make ourselves or the *u.B.a* look bad.

6. Responsiblities and activites of group are shared by all members. Each member is expected to fulfill their part. Failure to participate will result in 30 day suspension. Futher action if necessary.

7. *u.B.a* is founded to unite and help women and people of need. Not to promote being a BITCH.

8. All *u.B.a* applications must be over 18.

9. Forms of dismissal:

a. Warning letter

b. Suspension

c. dismissal

10. New candidates are subject to 30 day probation period before being inducted as a full member.

11. Each member is expected to attend at least one meeting per month. Unless of there is a case family matters, work, or school. At which point we would except a note or E-mail explaining why you haven't been to meetings.

{Main Page} {Links} {WaV FiLeZ} {Puter ToYz} {Web Rings} {HintZ N HTML Help} {*uBa*} {Meet iZShenana} {Pranks, Jokes & Stuff} {Find iZShenana}