~Last modified on Sun Nov 08 14:13:49 1998~


The insperation for my web page!!

:Þ~~ :Þ~~ :Þ~~ :Þ~~ :Þ~~ :Þ~~ :Þ~~ :Þ~~

And of course my puter expert MIKE E.

:Þ~~ :Þ~~ :Þ~~ :Þ~~ :Þ~~ :Þ~~ :Þ~~ :Þ~~


In Memory of "LoverBoy"

Gone But Never forgotton, You will always be in my heart.

I love you Bro. I know you are in a happy place {G}

SO I will not be sad.


"CHAT Host"

For all the kewl chattys!! U know who u are =Þ~~

All My Other Buds in no particular order!!

{s jammy} If you are on the bottom Dont Bytch!!

At least ya are here {s smile}

Michigan Room Buds {s GoWings}

iZSunShine- {s Sunny} Come back to Prodigy sis!!

ZDeathRoWZ-Got your licence yet?

iZBabyDoll-Get Your a$$ out to GR {G}

ZzNOFEARzZ- I Owe ya babe!!

iZFuNLuViN- Watch out for the orange stuff.

Lndshark- SuP Sweetie!! Where ya hiding?

Verucablue- {abracadabra}

HellYeah-Lets Smoke another one!

JustAskPam- The wav Queen.

REDHAMMER-Keep Smiling!!

SmittyZ-Whers the Party?

iZLoveInFla- Just likes to do it!

StopDrop&Roll-FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! GUNS!!

ApacolypseNow- {s PoCo}


BOBPROBERT- I told ya so!!

RIVERS- Dancin for dollars.

KIDROCK- Stay in School Sweetie

iZEnigma-Where ya hiding?

ChillinAgain- hehehe u are not off the hook yet {EG}

Animosity- How is collage going?




Bandit-Some People call me the space rider...

RickDevious- Get some freakin sleep will ya..Sheesh.

JEFL- Where ya hiding?

iZVikingiZ-Watchout,,,, Wifies coming {click}

My Intimate Exchanges & Anything Room Buds

BUTTERGOD- PhoneSex ACK!! POOHY! But ya know I luvs ya, U are my GOD!!

SKETCH-Where ya been Hiding?

SkullGrinder-DiDja Catch the Tornato yet?

Ken Is Wierd-Congrats, on your wedding!!

WoOdChUcK-How Much Wood Can Woodchuck Chuck?

MmmmAmanda- {s headslap}

MiSSy- Where the hell have ya been?

HoleyKow-Can ya believe the changes?

x TIN x- P* GuRu

iZSammyiZ- U is so crazy!!

WingsAfire- What can I say? HuGz

xKIRBYx- Get back to Prodigy aol SuXs!!

XBASHERX- I kinda miss ya LoL

XBASHERGIRLX- Where ya hiding?

NEOCHRIST- U are a wanted man in the chat kingdom.. u are on the chat hit list ROFL

LaDy- Whats Up Sistah?


WikdAssWich {s twatkiss} LoL

iBxTaCyiZ-Congrats on You wedding hun!!

ImThatOneGuy- Ya Brat!!!

KeNsGiRLie-Congrats Sis..

SYSTEN Greet-Who are ya?

I'm LIKR-Sexy wooohoooooo

Isabelle-Where ya hiding?

CRZYGIRL-Ms. Matchmaker {wink}

iZSimplyJDiZ-- u-Hacka-u

Alwyswettt- {s C'mere}

DMcuda1- White russian to u..bottoms up

NDave1-My ol Flirt Bud!

dabratdammit- The Best Cook in da Whole Wide World!!


Lara Belle-I miss ya sis

Flirt- Dammit Flirt Drop me a line!

ToDamGood4U- Friends 4 ever!!

SweetBytch- {s bitch}

euphonia-Glad someone loves the macros!!

Alanahhh-Seasons Change

LUVY-Love Letters {G}

BLAZER-{s ubnice}


LuLu- {wink}

x NiC x- One Of my Bestest Buds {G}

CiNN-U got it goin on in the web Dept.!!

Bear- Where ya been hiding?

MikeyinMi- =Þ~~

C4- Muds Lord and a saweetie to Boot

KennyShima- Love the Jokes Babe!!

Zebes- Lotto Man {wink}

SweetPeaU gotta Sweetie GF

{somthing} QT- Love the Names GF!!

CaribianBlu- Tempy!!!

My Chat Central Buds

iZSwEeTiBeaR-OMG Girlie..... im sowwy.. ya got lost in the shuffle!! LoL

iZSiNnEriZ-You Go Girl!!

CiPS-^5n YaZ

iZ DrO iZ-Where ya hiding?

EviLCorrupts-Where ya hiding?

Sir Trinity-{smack} wit green Jello

U WaNNa-Stayin out of trouble?

LoOnY-U 18 yet?

DoNa- Where ya hiding?

iZRELLiZ- Hey Babe {s iloveyou}

NiPPLeRiNg-KiSS Babe!!

Seth- ProdPussy {G}


POON-Where ya hiding?

ShOcKeR-{s shock}

CoYoTe-Where didja Go?

iZHeLLiZ- You should have been here all along babe {sorry}

KiSsMeKiSs- SiStaH..... U know it {wink}

TNchic- Where ya been??

gQw- Bottoms up!!

LiLViXeN- I'm GuNNa VeX U!! Wait and see LoL

LuVGoDDeSS- LuVer N0t a FiGHter!

Starlite- Will Be seeing yaZ

xKenna- Thanks for the App. {s SiSKiSS}

GiRLy in oVo- Nice to MeetCha!

PaM- Thanks for the welcome card sis {G}

SugarTwin- I WIll be seeing yaZ

Prodigy Internet Buds

DeCk- MY Adopted Cute Kiddo {S}

Numy- My other Adopted Kiddo {G}

KiLLaH PriEsT- My On-Line Hubby LoL KiSS

RiPPer- Fellow Michigander

Lynnie- Fellow CraZy Chic!!

energizerBUNNY- hehehe

Debss- thanks for all the help!!

Droffel- How ya doin???

HaVoK- Love Your Bots!!

JaVaH- U will get it!!

Volatility- GiMMe Ops! ! LoL

If I happend to have spelled your name wrong or U are not here and ya think U should be
Just write me and Bytch me out =)
{Main Page} {Links} {WaV FiLeZ} {Puter ToYz} {Web Rings} {HintZ N HTML Help} {*uBa*} {Meet iZShenana} {Pranks, Jokes & Stuff} {Find iZShenana}