NaNaZ Help Pages

Okies PeePs,

Moving on to the next Step.... Let Me Guess... Your whole page is a Jumble of words that you cant make Hide Nor Hair of? Well Ummm You need to know a few more tags!! Here they are:

<BR> this is a Break Tag. You do not have to use the good ol / ever with this tag it just Tells the Browser there is a Break in the sentence. Kinda like a Return or enter on your keyboard would do.. It sends the text to the next line. To Keep Text together you would use:
<NOBR>text u want to stay together here</NOBR> I use the NOBR when I want to keep a name together do not use the NOBR to keep more words together than you can see on one line. Or it will make the Browser have a scroll bar across the Bottom of the page. Trust me you don't want that!!

<P> This is a End Paragraph Tag. Telling the Browser that Its the End of the Paragraph go to the next one. You also do not need the / with this one.

<CENTER> This tag will begin centering the Text on the page. You will have to use </CENTER> When you are done with what you want centered. Or your entire page from the tag on will be centered.

Using what we have learned!!

All you have to do is type what you want to say here and if there is a certain place you want to break the text and not let word wrap do it all you have to do is type a <BR>
Then when you are done with the paragraph and are ready for the next one all you have to do is type </P>

<CENTER>To Center some Text Do This </CENTER>

Now you are ready to go back and Format your Text in your page.. Have fun and Come back for more NaNa Help when you are done!!

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