All these Fees are one time only..


$100.00 INCLUDES:

* 2 Pages
* 1 Banner for search engines (we submit you too 400 search engines)
* 1 Logo Graphic (can be words or Pictures)
* 5 Button Graphics (e-mail, links, back, next, ect.)
* Up to 25,000 words of Text you would like on the page..
* Up two Five of your own personal Scanned Pictures or Graphics
* Web Counter & Tracker {tracks the traffic on your page}



* All of the Above Plus
* 5 More Pages
* Three more Banners for Search Engines
* Five more Graphics
* Ten More Button graphics
* Up to 10,000 more Words of Text
* Up to ten of your own personal graphics or Scanned Pictures
* 1 Form.



All of the Above Plus
* Up too 10 pages
* Up too Five Forms
* Up too 100,000,000 Words of Text
* Up too 10 graphics
* Up too 5 Banner Graphics For Search Engines
* Javah Scripting and Amplets
* Frames


$5.00 Per Extra Page
$20.00 Per Extra Form
$5.00 Per Extra Button
$5.00 Per Extra Banner Graphic
$15.00 Per Extra Animated or other Graphic
If you are interested in anything else.....
Please E-mail Us MysticDragonz


Set Up Fee $50

This is for the set up of your web ring. We will Register the web ring with WebRing Org.
and Set up your fragment with the one that you choose off our sight [see; Rings Page ] for our differant web ring styles.

Graphics for the Web Ring Run from $10 to $100 depending on the time involved in designing them. If you have your own Graphics there is only a $5 service fee to
install them into Your Web Ring Fragment.

WE can help manage your web ring for $5 a month.. We will monitor your ring e-mail out Stats once a month on the ring, Add new members and Delete those that do not fall under the Guidlines you choose. We will aslo forward any E-mail directed to you from the web ring & Keep you updated on any new additions or subtractions.

Web Rings are a fun way to generate Traffic to your sight and link it to sights similar to your own. About 10% of traffic on the web is generated from web rings. If you are like us the standard designs offered are drab and boring we want to spice that up and make Custom Rings for you........ If you have any more Questions regarding web rings Please e-mail us at M.Z. Design.